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Memoirs Of Cardinal De Retz


Luigi XIV di Borbone, detto il Re Sole Le Roi Soleil o Luigi il Grande SaintGermainenLaye, 5 settembre 1638 Versailles, 1 settembre 1715, stato un. Franois de Vendme, Duc de Beaufort 16 January 1616 15 June 1669 was the son of Csar de Vendme and Franoise de Lorraine. He was a prominent figure in. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA French Literature. Help support New Advent and get the full contents of this website as an instant download. Zip Zap Editor En Linea. Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more all for only 1. Origin and foundations of the French language. When the Romans became masters of Gaul, they imposed their language on that country, together with their religion, their laws their customs, and their culture. The low Latin, which thus became universal throughout Gaul, was not slow in undergoing a change while passing through Celtic and Frankish throats, and in showing traces of climate and of racial genius. From this transformation rose a new tongue, the Romance, which was destined to gradually evolve itself into the French. Memoirs Of Cardinal De Retz' title='Memoirs Of Cardinal De Retz' />The glossaries of Reichenau and of Cassel contain many translations of Latin and Germanic words into Romance they date from the eighth century. The earliest texts in our possession belong to the ninth century, and are more valuable from an archeological than from a literary standpoint. These are the formulas called Les Sermentsde Strasbourg the oaths pronounced by the soldiers of Louis the German and of Charles the Bald, A. D. 8. 42 the song or Prose de Sainte Eulalie, an imitation of a Latinhymn of the Church about 8. Homlie sur Jonas discovered at Valenciennes, and written in a mixture of Latin and Romance, dating from the early part of the tenth century La Vie de Saint. Lger, a bald narrative in verse, written in the latter part of the tenth century. The metamorphosis, under the action of influences now no longer traceable, of Low. Latin into Romance did not proceed along the same lines everywhere in Gaul. From the Pyrenees to the Scheldt it varied with the varying localities, and gave rise to many dialects. These dialects may be grouped into two principal languages and which usually named for word used for an affirmative in each the Romance language of oc in the South and the Romance language of ol in the North. The ol language comprised all the varieties of speech in use to the north of an imaginary line drawn from the estuary of the Girande to the Alps, passing through Limousin, Auvergne, and Dauphiny. In the twelfth century, the speech of the Ile de France began to take the lead over all the others, for the very good reason that it was the speech of the royal domain. Hereafter the French language possesses its form, and can give birth to a literature. In the Middle Ages. Epic poetry. In France, as everywhere else, literature began with poetry, and that epic. For many centuries this seems to have been the formnatural to the Frenchmind and the abundance of the output is striking proof of the breadth and power of the movement. To comprehend more clearly the great mass of epic works of this period, we distinguish three subject matters, or three cycles the French, or national cycle the Breton cycle the antique cycle. The origin of the French cycggo back to the first age of Frankish domination. The Frankish chiefs all kept their singers, who celebrated their exploits in poems of heroic inspiration. These compositions, called cantilnes, were sung at the harp, either at their festivals, or at the head of the army before a battle. This spontaneous growth of epic poetry goes on until the tenth century but after the tenth century, the inventive power of the poets the trouvres, as they are called is exhausted they no longer compose new songs, but co ordinate, above all amplify, and finally reduce to writing the songs left to them by their predecessors. Mmoires de guerre est un ouvrage crit par Charles de Gaulle, qui comprend trois tomes. Chacun correspond une tape prcise de la Seconde Guerre mondiale le. Did you know that you can help us produce ebooks by proofreading just one page a day Go to Distributed Proofreaders. The Top 50 greatest nonfiction books of all time determined by 114 lists and articles from various critics, authors and experts. Project Gutenberg listing of public domain stories by Sax Rohmer. A Biografia do grego antigo, de bos, vida e grphein, escrever um gnero literrio em que o autor narra a. Define stupid. stupid synonyms, stupid pronunciation, stupid translation, English dictionary definition of stupid. Slow to learn. Beforehand definition, in anticipation in advance ahead of time We should have made reservations beforehand. I hope to be beforehand with my report. See more. Memoirs Of Cardinal De RetzBy dint of this labour of arrangement and editing they compose the chansons de geste history songs, from the Latingesta, things done, history. Comparatively short, these chansons de geste are written in lines of six syllables which are made into couplets, or laisses, with assonances, or imperfect rhymes such, as e. Like the old cantilnes, they were intended to be sung by the trouvre at feasts or in battle. They are all connected with real historical episodes which, however, are embellished, and often disfigured, with popular traditions and the fruits of the poets own imagination. The most famous of these chansons de geste, the Chanson de Roland, put into writing about the year 1. It admirably reflects the society of the time. With its scenes of carnage, its loud clash of blades, its heroic barons who sacrifice their lives for the emperor and die after commending their souls to God, its miraculous intervention of angels who receive the soul of the brave warrior, the Chanson de Roland places vividly before the imagination the France of the eleventh century, warlike, violent, still barbarous, but thoroughly animated by an ardent faith. The Chanson de Roland is the most widely known of the chansons de geste, but a multitude of them are extant, and they all contain great beauties. While some of them, centering upon Charlemagne Le Plerinagede Charlemagne, Aimeride Narbonne, Girard de Viane, etc., celebrate the union of France under the kingship and conflicts with external enemies, others are inspired by the struggles maintained by great feudal chiefs against the king Ogier le Danois, Renaud de Montauban, Grard de Roussillion, by the wars of vassals among themselves, and by historicalmemories belonging particularly to this or that province Raoul de Cambrai, the Geste des Lorains, Auberi le Bourgoing. The interesting element in all of them is, chiefly, their faithful portrayal of the feudal world, its virtues, and its asperities. From the end of the twelfth century, the success of the chansons de geste is counterbalanced by that of the Romances of the Breton cycle. Here imagination roams at large, above all, that kind of imagination which we call fantasy. The marvellous plays an important part. Manners are less violent, more delicate. Love, almost absent from the chansons de geste, holds a great place and utters itself in a style at once respectful and exalted. We find everywhere the impress of a twofold mysticism, that of chivalry and of religion. In other words, if the chansons de geste bear the stamp of the Germanic spirit, the Breton romances are inspired by the Celtic. The central figure is that of King Arthur, a character borrowed from history, the incarnation of the independence of the Breton race. Around him are his companions, the knights of the Round Table and Merlin the wizard. The Breton romances were intended to be read, not to be sung they were written, moreover, in prose. In course of time, Chrestien de Troyes, a poet rather facile and prolific than truly talented, put them into rhymed verse. Between 1. 16. 0 and 1. Perceval le Gallois, Le Chevalier au lion, Lancelot en la charrette, Cligs, Eric et Enide. In these romances Launcelot is the type of lamour courtois the gentle love which every knight must bear his lady. As for the antique cycle, it is no more than a work of imitation. The clerics, observing the success of epic and narrative poetry, conceived the idea of throwing into the same form the traditions of antiquity. The Roman dAlexandre and the Romande Troie, both written in the second half of the twelfth century, and amusing for their anachronisms and their baroque conceits, are, on the other hand, long, diffuse and mediocre. Lyric poetry. In these primitive periods of history the lines of division between various types of literature are not well defined. Louis XIV of France. Louis XIV baptized as Louis Dieudonn, Louis God given ruled as King of France and of Navarre. He ascended to the throne a few months before his fifth birthday, but did not assume actual personal control of the government until the death of his prime minister Premier Ministre, the Italian Jules Cardinal Mazarin, in 1. Louis remained on the throne till his death just before his seventy seventh birthday in 1. He reigned for seventy two years, three months, and eighteen days, the longest documented for any European monarch to date. Jules Cardinal Mazarin. He was known as Louis the Great in French Louis le Grand the Great Monarch, because, following his initial success in the Franco Dutch War and the Treaty of Nijmegen, the Parlement de Paris decreed that all public inscriptions and statues of the king should carry that epithet attached to his name. He is also popularly known as The Sun King in French le Roi Soleil because of the idea that, just as the planets revolve around the Sun, so too should France and the court revolve around him. As a result, he was commonly associated with Apollo Helios, the Greco Roman god of the Sun. As a patron of the arts, this association was fitting because Louis was, like Apollo Musagetes, the leader of the Muses. Apollo Helios. Largely due to his tutor, Bishop Jacques Bnigne Bossuet, Louis XIV believed in the Divine Right of Kings. Bossuet preached that kings were appointed by God, but also had a responsibility to act as such. Jacques Benigne Bossuet. During his reign, he increased the power and influence of France in Europe, engaging in three major wars the Franco Dutch War, the War of the League of Augsburg, and the War of the Spanish Succession and two minor conflicts the War of Devolution, and the War of the Reunions. Siege of Namur, June 1. By Martin Jean Baptiste le vieux. War of the Spanish Succession. At the Battle of Vigo Bay, English and Dutch destroyed a Spanish treasure fleet, capturing silver from the Spanish colonies to the value of about a Million Pounds Sterling. War of Devolution. The political and military scene in France during his reign was filled with such illustrious names as Mazarin, Fouquet, Colbert, Michel Le Tellier, Le Telliers son Louvois, le Grand Cond, Turenne, Vauban, Villars and Tourville. Under his reign, France achieved not only political and military pre eminence, but also cultural dominance with various cultural figures such as Molire, Racine, Boileau, La Fontaine, Lully, Le Brun, Rigaud, Louis Le Vau, Jules Hardouin Mansart, Claude Perrault and Le Ntre. The cultural achievements accomplished by these figures contributed to the prestige of France, its people, its language and its king. Jean Baptiste Colbert. Jean Baptiste Colbert served as the French Minister of Finance from 1. King Louis XIV. Marquis de Louvois. Franois Michel le Tellier, Marquis de Louvois, was the French Secretary of State for War for a significant part of the reign of Louis XIV. I do not believe that it is an overstatement to recognize and point out the significance and importance of these two ministers and advisors of Louis XIV to the political and economic history of France and Europe. They were responsible individually first to bring economic stability to France and then make France the preeminent military power in Europe. These two developments were, of course, interrelated to one another allowing France to eventually over extend itself militarily while facing bankruptcy at the same time. Did Louis live too long and could a shorter reign have substantively impacted on the subsequent history of France especially the French Revolution and the Rise of Napoleon I really doubt it but there is no way for me to state it as a certainty. There still remained a fundamental disparity between the Aristocracy and the rest of French Society which the Bourbon Monarchy refused to address with any degree of fairness and equity. Yes, it was a situation that very well may have called for a fair redistribution of wealth especially when it came to paying for the cost of government. It is just a thought that has contemporary value today or at least I believe it is true. Louis XIV worked successfully to create a centralized state governed from the capital in order to sweep away the fragmented feudalism which hitherto persisted in France, thus giving rise to the modern state. As a result of his efforts, which seemed absolutist, Louis XIV became the archetypal absolute monarch. The phrase Ltat, cest moi I am the State is frequently attributed to him. Quite contrary to that apocryphal quote, Louis XIV is actually reported to have said on his death bed Je men vais, mais ltat demeurera toujours. I depart, but the State shall always remain. Ltat, cest moi. Louis XIV was born in the chteau de Saint Germain en Laye on September 5, 1. Dauphin. His birth came after the almost twenty three years of childlessness of his estranged parents, Louis XIII and Anne of Austria. As a result, contemporaries regarded him as a divine gift and his birth as a miracle, and, in a show of gratitude to God for the long awaited arrival of an heir, he was named Louis Dieudonn God given. Louis XIII, Anne of Austria and their son Louis XIV. His ancestors came from some of Europes most noteworthy ruling houses. His paternal grandparents were Henri IV of France and Marie de Medici, who were French and Italian respectively while both his maternal grandparents were Habsburgs, Philip III of Spain and Margaret of Austria. In this manner, he counted as his ancestors various historical figures, including Charles V and Frederick Barbarossa, both Holy Roman Emperors. He was also descended from the founder of Russias first dynasty, Rurik the Viking, as well as Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, the poet Charles, Duke of Orlans, and Giovanni de Medici, last of the great condottieri. Most importantly, he traced his paternal lineage, and hence his and his descendants right to the throne, in unbroken legitimate male succession from Saint Louis, King of France, and through him, from Hugh Capet. Louis XIII and Anne had a second child, Philippe I, duc dOrlans in 1. Unsure of Anne as regent, Louis XIII decreed that a Regency Council, of which she was named head, should rule in Louis name in the event he succeeded to the throne before the age of majority, intending, by its existence, to prevent her from ruling as sole regent. Nevertheless, on May 1. Louis XIII died and his young son became Louis XIV, Anne had her husbands will annulled by the Parlement, did away with the Regency Council and became Sole Regent. She entrusted power to Cardinal Mazarin, who was despised in most French political circles because of his foreign origin, despite having already become a naturalized French subject. The Thirty Years War, which had commenced in the previous reign, ended in 1. Peace of Westphalia, made up of the Treaties of Mnster and Osnabrck, the work of Mazarin. This Peace ensured Dutch independence from Spain, awarded a degree of autonomy to the various German princes and granted Sweden territories which gave her control of the mouths of the Oder, Elbe, and Weser, as well as seats on the Reichstag. It marked the apogee of Swedish power and influence in German and European affairs. However, it was France which had the most to gain from the terms of the Peace.