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Blog Archives Nicole Hanna Jewelry. First, its important to understand what, exactly, a critical comment is and is not. A critical comment is not a stand alone opinion based only on personal aesthetics. Have you received a comment like this Its not my style, but I guess someone will like it. Well, its not. Its not helpful at all. Its a meaningless, passive aggressive expression of dislike, disdain or disgust. Its rude and never furthers a discussion and certainly doesnt propagate growth. A critical comment is not about an emotional response to the work, unless the purpose of the work is specifically to incite an emotional response. More specifically, its an analysis of the emotional reaction one experiences, what caused the reaction, what could alter that reaction. A critical comment is an analytical synopsis of the viewers interaction with the poem, the photograph, or artwork, including a thorough explanation of each element in relation to the reaction it causes. A critical comment contains an understanding of the work and the process, the skill required, or basic laws associated with the medium used. Though proficiency isnt necessarily a prerequisite to making critical comments, its important to avoid discussing elements, in a critical manner, about which you have little practical knowledge. A critical comment should never be offered when unsolicited. Meaning, if you dont see Critical comments welcome, or Please tell me what you think, do not comment critically. Understand that sometimes artists simply dont care what your reaction is. They had an experience, while creating their work, that supersedes your opinion, and they want to share this work for no other reason than to express their own pleasure. Dont rob them of this experience. A critical comment should never contain the phrase I dont like Personal aesthetics aside, critical comments should focus on technicality. But its art, you say, Its not technical at all. Lightroom 5 Time Lapse Templates' title='Lightroom 5 Time Lapse Templates' />Well, thats not really true. All art, for every artists, is born from a methodology, an understanding of color, form, function, symmetry, and these are all fair game when commenting critically. Instead of saying I dont like blue and pink together how about Blue and orange are complimentary colors and might have a stronger presence in your work. Focus on possible improvement, not perceived flaws. A critical comment should offer a solution A few months ago, I posted to social media a wire wrapped pendant to which I added an olive green knotted paracord necklace. The reaction was, not surprisingly, quite mixed, because the two mediums are vastly contradictory. I encouraged critical comments, and received some that were very thoughtful and thought provoking, and some that were really just empty attacks by the handful who had an apparent violent aesthetic reaction to the combination of materials, and some that were fillers who had nothing critical to contribute. The following is a fictional example of the type of negative comments I received, and exactly what not to do when commenting critically I dont like the green. You should have gone with a black or white. And its just too big. Torrent On Windows 8 Rt Version here. Is there a reason you didnt like the green Why would you have preferred black or whiteLightroom 5 Time Lapse TemplatesLightroom 5 Time Lapse TemplatesMiki Nemeth. Just in Time after the XE3 received a Gold Award from dpreview, this is the most important accompanying accessory for photographers who love the. Final Cut Pro tutorials help you make a movie from start to finish. Learn oneoff tasks like editing videos in Final Cut Pro X. At lynda. com we have over 1,800 Final. WendyImages/blog/080514LR/save_500.jpg' alt='Lightroom 5 Time Lapse Templates' title='Lightroom 5 Time Lapse Templates' />Subscribe. Photoshop Genius 148 68. Mantis Tournament Software. NEW 32PAGE EDITING GUIDE. Save money with the latest reader offers. Add creative borders. Use your free templates to give your. Tailored towards beginners, this training course will get you up to speed on editing photos in Lightroom in just 2 hours. Whether navigating the Lightroom interface. Love Lightroom for its simplicity. It allows me to get my photos looking exactly how I want without any of the flashy extras that youll find in Photoshop. All my posts, articles, new tutorials, photography tips and more on my english blog. I cover Lightroom, Photoshop and Photography. Serge Ramelli Photography. Though an opinion was offered, there was nothing to substantiate it beyond his or her own tastes. This is what I like to refer to as the unhelpful helper. They might actually believe their comment offers something to the discussion, or helps the artist improve, but in reality, theyve not offered any solutions. The following is a re creation of the comment above, but written critically I find there isnt enough green in the stone or focal itself to support the color of the cord. There are pinks and peach in the stone, and the wire is copper, so perhaps a red cord would accent the tones already present. Lightroom 5 Time Lapse Templates' title='Lightroom 5 Time Lapse Templates' />Black and white are always neutral color choices that might also frame the wire work in a complimentary manner. The knot work is large and intricate and seems to over power the detailed wire weaving, so cord in a smaller diameter might allow the viewer to experience each element in the design as part of a whole, and not in spite of each other. See how this comment offers solutions It focuses on a flaw, or perceived flaw, or opportunity for improvement, and then offers a fix, while distancing itself from an emotional reaction to the piece, or from an emotional interaction with the artist. Some art is meant to incite an emotional response, and distancing oneself from an emotional comment is difficult. Lets say someone posted a black and white painting they completed, of a sobbing woman. The strokes are heavy, the outline is abstract, the features are distorted. And you think This is depressing Commenting as such is, however, not productive. Not for you, as you experience the work, and not for the artist. It is fine to express your emotional reaction, but only in the context of the elements of the work. Instead of This is depressing, a critical comment might say The heavy strokes evoke a burdensome feeling of oppression. The distorted facial features symbolize, to me, a lack of acceptance, thus inspiring a sense of despair and sadness. The hunched and sobbing form totally encompass the spirit of depression, but I feel a touch of color, a soft skin tone perhaps, might have involved me more in the work, since the black and white appear so stark and offending and separate me from the subject. I like to think of it this way If a critical comment evolves into a discussion, then youve commented well. Taking the time to have a reaction to the art, and to analyze that reaction, is just as important to you as it is to the artist whose work you are viewing. Youll find that taking an objective look at the work of others often helps improve your own artistic endeavors. RECEIVING CRITICAL COMMENTSJust as its important to understand how to comment critically, its equally important to receive critical comments as intended. I remember once, when commenting on a poem Id read, I discussed the rhyming form utilized, how the meter was inconsistent and how removing a word from a line would create a stronger flow, and the response I received was immediately defensive Well if you dont like rhyme, dont read it The author posted it in a contest called Critical Comments and specifically noted he or she would prefer honest critique. I call this projection, when we think we want a critical comment, but really we want readers or viewers to validate our own opinions. Now if were creating art only for the sake of creating art, our own opinions are the only ones that matter. But if you are creating art for an audience, or a customer, then we can utilize critical comments to understand our target audience, and to improve on the relationships we build with our audience, via our art. In which case, its important to separate the comments we receive from our own experience with our art. Though some comments are intended to upset, to express discord or are attempts to help without an adequate understanding of tact, having the appropriate reaction to the comments, as the comments were intended to be received, is always a helpful tool in furthering ones art.