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As everyone is undoubtedly aware by this point, on August 21st, folks across the country will be able to see a total solar eclipsethe first one visible coastto. Lucky Days Astrology Software for Gambling, Daily Horoscopes and making Astrological Predictions. Appendices. Angular Momentum in Astronomy. I define angular momentum and give several examples of angular momentum in astronomy Keplers second law of orbital motion. The Tropical and Sidereal Zodiaks Earths Precessional Cross. The Tropical and Sidereal Zodiaks The Cycle of Earths Precessional Crossby Nick Anthony Fiorenza2. Nick Anthony Fiorenza, All Rights Reserved. Introduction. This article explores Earths 2. Earths Precessional Cross measurement of the precessional rate, and the Galactic Equatorial Ayanamsareckoning of the sidereal zodiak based on the spherical geometry of Earths precessional Cross. Earths Precession. Earths polar axis precesses very slowly over a period of about 2. The term precession simply refers to a change in the direction of the axis of a rotating object. As this occurs, the pole of the Earth inscribes an arc in the heavens called the precessional arc. Earths pole aligns with different pole stars throughout its precessional period. Polaris is Earths current north pole star. Keplers capabilities are so vast that you may use only a fraction of them, but thats OK. The entire program is only 200. Any one of the following features. Descriptions of the best astrology software programs with advice on choosing the right program for you. Earths 2. 5,0. 00 year precessional cycle is also referred to as Earths Great Year. Blitz Basic Plus 2D'>Blitz Basic Plus 2D. Dmg To Exe File Converter. Precession of the Equinoxes. Because Earths axis is tilted 2. Earths orbit around the Sun the ecliptic plane, Earths equatorial plane green is also tilted at this same angle with respect to the ecliptic plane blue. These two intersecting planes Earths equatorial plane and the ecliptic plane create an intersecting line in the ecliptic called the vernal axis. Looking from Earth, we see one point along this axis lying in one direction in the ecliptic, and the other lying in the opposite direction. One point is the location in the ecliptic where we see the sun on the March equinox. This location is the vernal point VP. The other point is the location where the sun resides on the September equinox. Kepler Astrology Software' title='Kepler Astrology Software' />This is the anti vernal point. As Earths pole precesses, so to does Earths equatorial plane and subsequently the vernal axis moving in a counter clockwise motion. Thus, the vernal axis the vernal equinox points move around the ecliptic at a rate of precession, which is currently measured to be about 1 in 7. The precessional movement of the vernal points is called the Precession of the Equinoxes. The Cause of Precession. Although this article is not about the cause of Earths precession, it is appropriate to mention that Earths precession is not fully understood and there is more than one hypothesis as to its cause. The simplest reason for Earths precession, although an assumption, is the reason that is most commonly known. This model explains that the Earths pole wobbles over a very long period of time, much like a rapidly spinning tops axis wobbles at a much slow rate than its spin. Another model is the Binary Star Model hypothesized by astrophysics researcher Walter Cruttenden et. Although the reason for our Sun to move in a curved path may not be fully understood, and there may be unknown causes for it, he and his team hypothesize that the solar paths curvature is caused by a binary star model, where our sun and another sun orbit each other. Minecraft Offline 1.4.5. Astronomer Glen W. Deen proposes a Ternary Star System our sun with two other suns. Reference Walter Cruttendens binary star hypothesis binaryresearchinstitute. Glen W. Deens ternary star system hypothesis The Time of Perihelion Passage and the Longitude of the Perihelion of Nemesis Full article PDFThis article is not intended to favor or debate the cause of Earths precession it is about the precessional cycle itself the relationship between the tropical and sidereal zodiaks and the role of Earths precession cycle in the evolution of human consciousness. Precession of the Tropical Zodiak the Astrological Ages. The vernal point is also the fiducial reference point for the tropical zodiak, defining 0 tropical Aries. Because the vernal point moves in the ecliptic, the entire set of signs comprising the tropical zodiak also moves with respect to the stars and the sidereal zodiak, which remain fixed in their location in the heavens. Kepler Astrology Software' title='Kepler Astrology Software' />The location of the vernal point in the sidereal zodiak defines the current zodiakal age. The sidereal zodiak is a set of signs, much like the tropical signs, except they do not move in the ecliptic. The sidereal signs are aligned with their corresponding constellations. The tropical zodiak aligned with the fixed sidereal zodiak around 2. Kepler Astrology Software' title='Kepler Astrology Software' />CE. Aries aligned with 0 sidereal Aries. The vernal point currently resides at about 5 sidereal Pisces as it slowly moves toward the sidereal sign of Aquariusthus we are completing the age of Pisces. We will formally enter the age of Aquarius when the vernal point precesses to 0 Aquariusin about 3. C. E. The vernal point is also called the Birthplace, or the Office of the Christos point of the sunsonsoulgoverning the timing of the re birth of soul consciousness into the world. The vernal points arrival to 5 sidereal Pisces at this time in Earths precessional cycle circa 2. CE. creates a primary event that supersedes the importance of changing zodiakal ages this event is the formation of a perfect cross in the cycle of Earths Precession of the equinoxes. The formation of this precessional cross is explained below. Kepler Astrology Software' title='Kepler Astrology Software' />The center blue ring in the above illustration is the sidereal zodiak. The signs of the sidereal zodiak align with their corresponding constellations and their stars. The sidereal zodiak does not move. It is referenced to the fixed stars in the heavens, or to the fixed and primary galactic equatorial axis in the ecliptic the horizontal line. This axis is created by the intersection of the ecliptic plane and the galactic plane, which are tilted with respect to each other by 6. The two nodes of this axis in the ecliptic are the Galactic Equatorial Node GEN at 5 sidereal Sagittarius, and the anti GEN at 5 sidereal Gemini. They are also called the Gate of God and the Gate of Man. The outer violet ring reveals the thirteen ecliptical constellations not signs. This ring shows where the boundaries of the constellations cross the ecliptic. The constellation Virgo encompasses the largest length of the ecliptic about 4. The constellation Scorpio dips south of the ecliptic plane with only the Scorpions head lying upon the eclipticencompassing only about 6 of the ecliptic. Ophiuchus, the serpent holder, stands upon the Scorpion and crosses the eclipticthus creating the thirteenth ecliptical constellation not sign. The inner green ring is the tropical zodiak at 2. CE. The tropical zodiak moves around the ecliptic with respect to the fixed starswith respect to the sidereal zodiak and to the constellations. It moves because 0 tropical Aries is referenced to the moving Vernal Point. The Vernal Point moves around the ecliptic at a rate of about 1 every 7. Earths 2. 5,0. 00 year precessional cycle due to Earths precession. The tropical zodiak and its signs are not reference to the stars or actual constellations, the tropical signs are referenced to Earths seasons the Vernal Point is where the Sun resides in the ecliptic on the spring equinox, as experienced in the northern hemisphere. The signs of the tropical zodiak are currently miss aligned with the true sidereal signs and the energies of the actual stars and constellations by 2. Earths precession. Aldebaran, Eye of the Bull, and Antares, Heart of the Scorpion, mark the center of their respective sidereal signs 1. Taurus and 1. 5 sidereal Scorpio. The Babylonians referenced the sidereal zodiak by these stars.