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Encounters From Africa Short Stories Pdf


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Although circumcised as an infant, I gave the subject little attention for a long while, although there were, at various times in my life, chance remarks or encounters that very much stuck in my memory. However, when our university modernized, and I got net access, I became aware of a well orchestrated anti circ. This upset me a little, until I took time to reflect, and it occurred to me that the anti circ. I was not angry, did not feel mutilated, was not suffering from psychological or physical problems. I could very well see, though, that on someone less mature, this propaganda could have a devastating effect. We all owe a debt of gratitude to people like you who have brought some rationality back to the discussion. Businessman on Ivory Coast of AfricaSome language corrections appliedIm name deleted an Ivoirian French 3. Ivory Coast, Africa and my mother is white from France. Sorry for my English but here we speak French. I was very surprised, when I searched out of curiosity for information about circumcision, that there are a very large number of web pages against circumcision I was born in the Ivory Coast and grew up here in a modern middle class family. But I always travelled to France for school holidays with my parents since childhood. I did my university studies in Paris from the age of 2. Install Centos 6 For Asterisk Phone. Paris until 1. 99. After that I came back to the Ivory Coast and I started a small engineering informatics society. My wife, a French white woman, will have a baby boy soon. We decided to circumcise him, but I wanted to have more information on the best age. I was circumcised at the age of 7, like most children in the Ivory Coast and the rest of Africa, for traditional reasons. My father told me that he was circumcised at 1. African animist initiation and to be a true male like the large majority of African men of tribal heritage. He circumcised me, just as he did my two brothers, to be like him. I was born in a Christian family. But here we say that Christian and Moslem its the same thing because under the skin there is always an animist ancestral tradition. Im very happy to be circumcised even though I always knew that in France like the rest of Europe most boys arent except Moslems and Jews. For example my French cousins in France compared us my brothers and I with Arab boys. Now I can say to them that the majority of Anglo Saxon men are circumcised. My hope for my baby is that I will be having him circumcised for modern reasons and for health. Now, having read your page web circumcision information, I will explain to my wife that the best moment will be the neonatal period. I agree with Dr Wiswell, but African adult male circumcision rates are higher than in the States. In Africa neonatal circumcision rates, however, are very very low. Here in Africa circumcision is done, in infancy between the ages of 5 and 1. But with modern life in big towns, the age of circumcision has changed, especially in modern and educated families. Therefore it is not in African social attitude to perform circumcision at neonatal period in the same way as in Islamic groups. You must considered this factor, and not to use only the neonatal circumcision rates but the circumcision rate of all male including babies, young boys and adults. Those against circumcision say that neonatal circumcision rate is low in the world for their arguments. They are right. But if you do studies on the total male circumcision rate in the world this parameter will change. An Algerian Islamic author, who is highly regarded in France Malek Chebel has estimated that there are more than one billion circumcised men in the world in his book Histoire de la Circoncision, des Origine   Nos Jours History of Circumcision from its Origins until the Present Day. According to his studies more than 3. Even in the male population of communist China the rate would be 4. Circumcision en masse in PhilippinesIm a Filipino who is a permanent resident here in Singapore, and I was circumcised after birth 4. It amuses me to learn that there are some foreskin lovers out there trying to discourage this essential medical practice for males. It used to be a rite of passage to manhood or a religious ritual performed since the beginning of civilization, but with more medical evidence emerging in favor of circumcision, I think that these silly prepuce preservers should be treated like the minority groups who are full of sound and fury, signifying nothing example gay, lesbian, abortion rights groups. Having read your concise article about circumcision on the Net, the said article should be disseminated to the general public. Circumcision is no big deal. Its just a little slice that separates the boys from the men. You may be interested to know that in the Philippines, my home country, circumcision is a must for all males, young and old. This is probably due to the medical influences of the American government when they colonized my country from the 1. WW2. Like I said, its no big deal. All the Filipino men are circumcised, though being Asians, we only have 5 inches to spare, we also have the notoriety of being Lotharios it seems to be a practice to have one wife and a mistress, for machismos sake but of course its not always true. So all those claims of genital and emotional trauma by organizations such as UNCIRC are all bull. In fact, there is a social stigma attached in the Philippines if you are an uncircumcised male. Colleagues would call you, Supot There is great peer pressure to have the foreskin removed, and they even brag about the type of cut that was done to shape the knobby head, such as German cut or American cut, etc. Having done that, they can say, Now you are a man. Social pressure aside, Im glad that the report you made confirms earlier findings of penile cancer prevention, building a natural barrier to STD and HIV and of course for hygienic and esthetic reasons. Again, being in Singapore for 8 years now, I have observed that only the Muslims and Jews here practice the removal of foreskins. It would not be far from me to conclude that except for the Philippines and the Jews and Muslims or minority groups that follow these rites for religious purposes, the rest of the men of South east Asia are supot. How do I know Simple. I asked the Filipino wives of the local men here. Most of the time, the Chinese were uncircumcised, and the Indians too, unless they were of Jewish or Muslim affiliation or if they knew of its medical benefits. The Malay men who are Muslims anyway, are all circumcised. Maybe youd like to do a study on circumcision in the Philippines to confirm your findings. Im sure that my countrymen will be delighted to oblige you. By the way, my son is uncircumcised and hes almost 1. Download Smi Standard Driver on this page. I didnt consent to the operation because the medical fees here are high, a whopping S4. A4. 20. Back home in Manila, boys could have a summer special where they are circumcised at a clinic en masse for free. If you want it done by a GP on your own it only costs you about S3.